Friday, February 15, 2008

Josiah Leming

Josiah Leming

Josiah Leming is a contestant on season 7 of the American Idol. Josiah had a very good audition in front of Paula, Randy and Simon. Josiah Leming sang one of his own songs to wow the judges into giving him a pass to Hollywood.

The judges were amazed that this 18 year old kid livng out of his car from Morristown Tennessee sang with a British accent.

Josiah Leming said in his American Idol interview that he travels around the country doing odd shows here and there. He plays a number of instruments, including guitar and keyboard.

How far can Josiah Leming go in the American Idol contest? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, Josiah Leming can sing plus he has the talent to write his own songs. Even if he doesn't make the final 24 cut, he's off to a good start.

It's these kinds of hard luck stories that America love. Apparently American Idol loves them also. Look for Josiah Leming on American Idol in the upcoming weeks.

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